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Students begin by choosing a Unit from the Main Menu and completing the activities. It is probably best to do the activities in order — starting with the Vocabulary Activity and ending with the Writing Activity.
The Student TRIAL is what you get for FREE when you register as a Student. It gives you access to two full units with no teacher.
If your teacher gave you a Class Key you can enter it on the Join Classroom page. If you don't have a teacher you can buy a SOLO Edition license.
Good news. The SOLO Edition will allow you to take the program by yourself without a teacher. Visit the Shop for more details.
You will earn a downloadable Certificate of Completion when you complete an entire module of units with an average grade of 85% or higher. Note that some teachers may disable or delay the certificates. If you are unsure please email them.
You can download your Certificate of Completion from the bottom of the main page (when you login) or else on your profile page.
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Contact Support:
Contact Support:
c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm
Email: info@english4hotels.com
Phone: +46 73 919 229
c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm
Email: info@english4hotels.com
Phone: +46 73 919 229